Friday, September 18, 2015

Affiliate Programs - Road Map to Successful Affiliate Campaigns

 By Adewale Atewogbade 

Affiliate programs are currently and for the foreseeable future some of the best methods for making money on line. If you are interested in finding out why this is so, then keep reading.Viewed from a very narrow perspective, an affiliate marketer is basically an Internet sales person. The difference between affiliate Lara Pearson and John Doe who sells widgets for Acme Corporation is that Lara works for herself, is not paid any salary and can represent as many companies or programs as she can handle.

When Lara joins an affiliate program, she has effectively decided to advertise or recommend the products and/or services, of the company she selected. Anytime Lara's recommendation leads to a sale she is paid a commission that is commensurate with the terms of association of the company she is working with. Most affiliate programs are free to join and the commissions paid by some of them are just amazing. If I have piqued your interest and you are determined to become an affiliate, then the following eight easy steps constitute your road map to success.

1. You have a decision to make. If your visions of affiliate marketing include getting rich quick, you may be partially right but getting there is half the story. The rewards are great but the path to success is littered with innumerable time bombs. You must realize that being an affiliate is not your ordinary hop on the wagon kind of job. Your ability to succeed will depend on your commitment, resourcefulness, intelligence and entrepreneurial capabilities. In other words be prepared to do some hard tackling once you've made up your mind.

2. Get some basic HTML education. Hyper Text Mark up Language is the most basic web programming language. Possessing an understanding of HTML and perhaps PHP will put you ahead of the pack. You can get a lot of sales information from the companies you represent but they will not teach you how to write your sales letters design your web pages or blogs or post your links on your advertising sites. A good free resource for learning the basics of web programming can be found at

3. How to target your potential customers? Target is the keyword here and if you do not already know anything about PPC, then you will soon find out. So, if you have an MBA or have invested in a class on small business management, you might have some knowledge about methods for advertising and marketing your products. If not, then one of your primary objectives will be to learn how to create ads that convert to sales. Most affiliates learn on the job. You can start with yourself and use what you think will convince you to buy a product. Also, virtually all the affiliate companies will give you samples of ads you can use to sell their products.

4. Look for free affiliate programs with mentoring. The best things in life are free including the air we breathe, and of course some affiliate programs that provide free mentoring programs for their affiliates. Most will offer a section for new affiliates that can get them up to speed on the efficient promotion of their product or service. Some programs will even give you free versions of their product to help you better understand how to promote it.

5. Choose your marketing tools. The Internet is rife with a multitude of advertising methods. Pay per Click seems to be the most efficient but it costs money, and sometimes a lot of it too. There are other methods that cost less and yet some others that are free. The problem with the free methods is that they take quite a while to generate any sale. Most affiliate programs will give you examples of where to place your ads.

6. Start building your campaigns. This is the culmination of steps 1 to 5. For most affiliates a first attempt does not always produce the result they expected. Do not despair. Persistence eventually pays off in affiliate marketing, and since you've chosen to promote products from free affiliate programs, your investment is minimal.

7. Launch! Posting your ads is the easiest part of the whole process, depending of course on what advertising method you are using. Having posted your ads, all you have to do is to sit back, relax and see what happens.

8. Analyze the results. Tracking your results is the most important part of the steps. Here you need to check how your ads performed. A positive result means you should repeat the process. If you are not getting any sales however, you might need to do some tweaking and also consider creating 3 to 4 different ads for the same product and checking to see which one you want to keep. Virtually all affiliate sites create reports of your activities that you can use to track your progress.

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